Thursday, March 20, 2008


This year for Easter my family, Mom Jeff and Kenzie, and I are going to my Uncle's house in Everette. Im pretty dure its ging to be fun because we go to his house for almost every holiday and they are all fun. Im pretty sure that Saturday night I am going to attempt to dye eggs with my 19 month old little sister for the first time. She couldnt last year because she was too young. All she could do then was eat sleep and fill her diaper. Anwyays, back to Easter. Easter used to be one of my favirote holidays because it was close to my birthday, April 24th. WHAT HAPPENED?! Now Easter is more than a month before my birthday so when the stores started stocking up on Easter decorations I got all excited and now look. Its almost Easter and I still have over a month until my birthday. Stuff like that makes me so mad! Anyways, i'm almost positive that this years Easter is going to be fun with all my family, I'll get to see my cousins Nathan and Makenzie (11, and 2) and I'll also be able to eat a bunch of candy and hopefully my Grandma's sweet potatoe casserole!

1 comment:

L-unit said...

I liked this because even though most people woud have made it boring i though it was kind of funny. Especially when you wrote "All she can do is eat, sleep, and fill her diaper." Even though that's what normal babies do i thought it was funny. Also about your birthday being a month away and that stuff like that makes you mad. Sweet potato casserole doesn't sound very good but the candy does. :P