Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sultan Soccer Game

For me Sultan was soo much fun considering that I scored 2/3 goals for our Varsity team, which is the team that i'm on! Anyways my first shot was about 20 minute into the first half of the game. The assist was a drop from Brittney Wood who was the left forward at teh time and I was the left mid. When she dropped the ball to me I knew the outcome was going to be good. As the ball rolled toward me I had to think fast. Was I going to pass the ball to Jessica and let her score as usual? Or was I going to shoot an outrageous shot from behind the 18 yard line. Well knowing me and my crazy self I took the shot. The ball went right below the top goal post and rolled against the back of the white net. I jumped up with my fist in the air, kind of what you see in the pro leagues. After that we went through halftime and most of the second half I had a feeling in my stomache thinking that something great wa going to happen! Madison crossed the ball in from the right side, the goalie went for the ball but missed. Now it was just me and a girl about twice my size. We were both sprinting toward the goal anticipating that the ball was going to pass the left post very soon. She put a lean on me and I was almost there but instead of pushing back, I put my left foot out and slidetackeled the ball in the goal, not to mention that I went in with the ball. "TWEET!" The whistle blew and what do you know? I scored the last second goal to make it a 3-0 Langley Cougs game!


This year for Easter my family, Mom Jeff and Kenzie, and I are going to my Uncle's house in Everette. Im pretty dure its ging to be fun because we go to his house for almost every holiday and they are all fun. Im pretty sure that Saturday night I am going to attempt to dye eggs with my 19 month old little sister for the first time. She couldnt last year because she was too young. All she could do then was eat sleep and fill her diaper. Anwyays, back to Easter. Easter used to be one of my favirote holidays because it was close to my birthday, April 24th. WHAT HAPPENED?! Now Easter is more than a month before my birthday so when the stores started stocking up on Easter decorations I got all excited and now look. Its almost Easter and I still have over a month until my birthday. Stuff like that makes me so mad! Anyways, i'm almost positive that this years Easter is going to be fun with all my family, I'll get to see my cousins Nathan and Makenzie (11, and 2) and I'll also be able to eat a bunch of candy and hopefully my Grandma's sweet potatoe casserole!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Best Friend, Sister, Other Half

Two girls that go by the names of Ashley and Nikki are best friends. They met on the first day of first grade. Ashley is about 2 monthes younger than Nikki. They are absolutly almost over obsessed with MSN and Myspace.

Sunday 2-22-2013
Nikki: Heyy Ash
Ashley: Hey. Wow my hands are cold I can barly even type =\
Nikki: HAHA Im sorry, Im still sore from yesterday
Ashley: haha Im sorry. =)
Nikki: Yeahh you should be! LOL by the way nice smily face =]
Ashley: I kno =]
Nikki: So what did you do over the weekend?
Ashley: Well...l Friday I was with you and Nicole, then after we dropped you off I went to Kenzies house, then to the movies. Then I had to drive Kenzie home, then Kayla, then Karren home... So I didnt get back till 10:30ish and I was really tired so I went to bed, then on Saturday I hung out with Katie. Then on Sunday Kenzie, Kayla, and Nicole came over and then we chilled a while... Then after she went home I pretty much didnt do anything. Then a while later we went skinnydipping (not really) Then on Monday morning Kayla and Kenzie left so me and Nicole chilled for a while thne after she went home I pretty much didnt do anything... Oh, and my Dad came home on Monday whad you do ? =)

That convorsation wasnt the whole convorsation but lets just say it involes boys. And A lot about them!


Monday, February 25, 2008

The Boys

Lakewood. Wow well why dont I start with the game.It was constantly back and forth. First it was 1-0 Langley, then it was 1-1 then after like 20 minutes it was 1-2 Lakewood then 2-2 then it was 2-3 Lakewood. The third goal for Lakwood should have been a penalty because some girl with her bun on the top of her head was headed toward Liz (our goalie) then Lindsay went to defend and shamfully got passed so now it was just Liz and the funny looking girl with her bun on the top of her head. All of a sudden Liz went after the ball and came out of the goal, we all watched in shock as Liz got kicked in the face while diving for the ball and she already had the ball in her hand so it should have been a penalty on Lakewood and then while Liz was on the ground in tears the ball got knocked out of her hands and then some other funny looking girl that was short with dark brown hair in a pony tail kicked the ball in and it was only going about 1 mph. We all were very vey angry at that reff at the time but I dont want to get into that because thats a whole different story! After the final wistle blew the whole varsity team headed back across the feild to the bleachers and all of the girls except Madi and I thought that this blonde haired boy named Avery was really hott so Brittany went over and got his cell phone number. Everyone took the number and has been texting and calling him ever sense. After about 20 minutes the boy crazyness with Avery ended Madi and I look to our right and saw this AMAZINGLY HOTT guy! After we saw him and were finished drooling we told the other girls. They all went balistic and somehow over the load roar Justina and Brittany overheard "GET HIS NUMBER!" So they walked down to him and his crowd and asked him for his number. While they were there Justina just happened to mention that it was Madi and I that wanted his number then after they found all that out they were all pointing and waving at Madi and I. His named turned out to be Kyle but obviously he didnt like Justina and Brittney because he gave them the wrong number and hid older brothers name but after a LONG while Savannah and I figured out his real name and number. Now all the girls are way over OBSESSED with him and now when I hear about him I just say to Madi " Wow we totally started this whole thing!"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Aneheim 08

The aneheim is a supercorss race where about 100 or more riders go to race. This year in heat 1 not many riders were familiar to me, the only rider i knew in heat 1 was James Stewart. Oh course Stewart dominated that heat by a lap or two! In heat 2 my all time favirote rider Chad Reed was racing so of course I couldnt take my eyes off of the TV! He is a really great rider, he is drop dead gorgeous, and he has an australian accent which pretty much means I want to marry that boy! ANYWAYS, back to the race. At the very beginning he was doing great and took the first corner to the inside which was a really smart idea because sense the track was so muddy the ruts were horrible. Chad took the turn right while eveyone was going to the outside and crashing which was not a good thing at all sense it slowed the people behind them way down. Well James was following Chad but hit a rutt on the outside of his front tire which threw him off a bit but by the end of the race, with Chad leading the whole thing, James went from dead last to second on the last corner of the final lap. That race was one of the most entense races I have ever and probably will ever see in my whole entire life!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mt. Baker

Last Sunday I went up to Mt. Baker with my Mom, Jeff (my mom's boyfriend), Madison, and Sam Lee. On Sunday morning Madison and I woke up at 5am and we were exhausted (FYI Saturday night we went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning so I guess you could say that we went to bed on Sunday and woke up on Sunday), anyways, by 5:30 we left the house and headed toward Useless Bay where Sam lives, which is about 5 minutes away from my house, so we picked him up and then we were on our way to the mountain.

We got to Mt. Baker's upper lodge at approximatly 9 o'clock which was excellent because for one thats when the slopes open at Baker and two because we acn get a face full, of fresh pow! I guess you would have to know what happened when we got to the upper lodge and out of the car! Well I'll tell you now. Sam and I were ready to go catch te lift and Madi was taking forever to get her right boot on and Sam decided to say "Dude hurry up we gotta go get a face full of fresh pow bra!" In a surfer guy accent. It was hilarious! After Madi and I stoped laughing about that whole situation, Madi finally got her right boot on so, Sam, Madi and I started walking down to the tickt booth to buy our lift tickets. After we all got our tickets and stuck then to the metal triangular shapes they gav us to stick them on to we slid our way down to chair lift number 2. Unfortunatly Sam knew that in order to get to the run he wanted to go on you have to take chair 2 to another so of course Madi and I followed him and belive it or not he took us on a 2 person chair lift instead of 4 so Madi and I knew he had something up his sleeve.