Friday, November 9, 2007

Nail Polish

Nail polish can sometimes determine on your attitude or personality. For example black could me mean, emo, or goth. Pink could mean happy, or preppy. Im not quite sure what no nail polish means. Right now my nail polish is green. Lime green to be exact. Im not really sure what lime green means but I am happy, and excited. I guess tahts why I chose green. About 2-3 weeks ago I painted my nails black and almost all of my friends called me either emo, or goth, and those two things are the exact opposite of me. I am happy, and enthusiastic.

10 comments: said...

I really like this!! I'm wearing white nail polish! I wonder what that means? LOL!! Good job! :)

. said...

hhmm, that is very intersting because people will judge you by nail polish. i didnt realize that nail polish reflects your personality and attitude, and appearance to people

daniel said...

Wow i never knew someone payed so much attention to nail polish... I liked this because I never would have thought of writing about something like that. I'm not wearing nail polish by the way.

Will said...

Ya i agree with daniel i never see you with nail polish on. This is pretty cool i never really thought of something like this but thats cool.

.Jessica. said...

I agree.
nailpolish does show alot of attitude

.Jessica. said...

I agree.
nailpolish does show alot of attitude

Justina* said...

Ture true. Your nail polish does show how you feel or you in general. I liked this because I can relate.

patrick p said...

I think you went over top but your feelings really came out.

Alexis said...

I liked your entry because I think it is true that people do judge other people by there nail polish. I like to paint mine different colors. Like blues, pinks, and lime green.

Kate said...

Soo true! Haha I liked this one because you showed how you felt about each color!