Friday, November 9, 2007

Emma Olivia Martin ♥

Emma Olivia Martin is one of my best friends ever! I have known her sense the first day of first grade. Crazy how that works out huh? Anyways I met her because it was the first day of first grade and I got on the wrong bus, I just happened to sit by Emma and we started talking and the next thing you know were friends. Sense then we have been to Costa Rica together, met really cool mexicans, and I go to her house all the time. The first time I went to her house I was in second grade and I think the only reason I can remember that is because we took her gymnastics mats and slid down her stairs. I cant remeber the second time I went to her house but third time was the funniest, and they always say "The third times a charm!" Well the third time at her house was not so charming for me. In Emma's backyard she has a swing on a hudge branch connected to an even hudger tree. The cool thing about this swing is that you can take a ladder up the tree and jump off onto the swing. Well lets just say thats not exactly what happened in my case. I was ready to jump, so I did, and when I jumped my upper body went and my lower body stayed glued to the tree! I ended up missing the swing and holding onto the rope as tight as a pair of abercrombie and fitch jeans.

2 Be Continued

1 comment:

Emma said...

This entry has a lot of detail about your friend. She sounds really cool! I bet Costa Rica was a lotta fun! I really liked your statement "As tight as a pair of Abercrombie and Fitch jeans" because i got a mental picture in my head, and that must have been pretty tight!