Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mt. Baker

Last Sunday I went up to Mt. Baker with my Mom, Jeff (my mom's boyfriend), Madison, and Sam Lee. On Sunday morning Madison and I woke up at 5am and we were exhausted (FYI Saturday night we went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning so I guess you could say that we went to bed on Sunday and woke up on Sunday), anyways, by 5:30 we left the house and headed toward Useless Bay where Sam lives, which is about 5 minutes away from my house, so we picked him up and then we were on our way to the mountain.

We got to Mt. Baker's upper lodge at approximatly 9 o'clock which was excellent because for one thats when the slopes open at Baker and two because we acn get a face full, of fresh pow! I guess you would have to know what happened when we got to the upper lodge and out of the car! Well I'll tell you now. Sam and I were ready to go catch te lift and Madi was taking forever to get her right boot on and Sam decided to say "Dude hurry up we gotta go get a face full of fresh pow bra!" In a surfer guy accent. It was hilarious! After Madi and I stoped laughing about that whole situation, Madi finally got her right boot on so, Sam, Madi and I started walking down to the tickt booth to buy our lift tickets. After we all got our tickets and stuck then to the metal triangular shapes they gav us to stick them on to we slid our way down to chair lift number 2. Unfortunatly Sam knew that in order to get to the run he wanted to go on you have to take chair 2 to another so of course Madi and I followed him and belive it or not he took us on a 2 person chair lift instead of 4 so Madi and I knew he had something up his sleeve.