Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cherokee Indian Project

Paragraphs will be uploaded tonight.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Justina Francis Brit-Mackie Timmerman

Justina is on of my closests friends. I've known her sense we were about born. We played recreation soccer, and travel team soccer together, know we play on the same select team and we have been playin on this select team for about almost 4 years and on this team we are basically te veterans of the team. I remember one time it was me, Justina, and Savanah and for some silly reason we bought a 2 liter jug of red fruit punch. I took the jug and brought it up to my mouth and fill me cheeks up as much as I could and with Savannah laughing and Justina trying to make me laugh I ended up spitting cherry red fruit punch all over Justina's wall and kitchen table.After that amazingly enough Justina illed her mouth up ad spit it out for fun. Faster than you could say supercalafragalisticexbealladoshes we had the kitchen covered/drenched in red fruit punch. We have had many more great memories sense then but in order for me to tell you about all of them it would require 13, 70 sheet, colege rulled notebooks. One for each year I've known her.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Nail Polish

Nail polish can sometimes determine on your attitude or personality. For example black could me mean, emo, or goth. Pink could mean happy, or preppy. Im not quite sure what no nail polish means. Right now my nail polish is green. Lime green to be exact. Im not really sure what lime green means but I am happy, and excited. I guess tahts why I chose green. About 2-3 weeks ago I painted my nails black and almost all of my friends called me either emo, or goth, and those two things are the exact opposite of me. I am happy, and enthusiastic.

Emma Olivia Martin ♥

Emma Olivia Martin is one of my best friends ever! I have known her sense the first day of first grade. Crazy how that works out huh? Anyways I met her because it was the first day of first grade and I got on the wrong bus, I just happened to sit by Emma and we started talking and the next thing you know were friends. Sense then we have been to Costa Rica together, met really cool mexicans, and I go to her house all the time. The first time I went to her house I was in second grade and I think the only reason I can remember that is because we took her gymnastics mats and slid down her stairs. I cant remeber the second time I went to her house but third time was the funniest, and they always say "The third times a charm!" Well the third time at her house was not so charming for me. In Emma's backyard she has a swing on a hudge branch connected to an even hudger tree. The cool thing about this swing is that you can take a ladder up the tree and jump off onto the swing. Well lets just say thats not exactly what happened in my case. I was ready to jump, so I did, and when I jumped my upper body went and my lower body stayed glued to the tree! I ended up missing the swing and holding onto the rope as tight as a pair of abercrombie and fitch jeans.

2 Be Continued

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Henry Hudson Claymation Animation Project

Cortney Fredriksen
American Studies
November 6, 2007
Stop Frame Animation Essay

My explorer stop frame animation project was on Henry Hudson. I chose to do this project with Jessica Manca. We have been working on this animation for about a month. Jessica and I have been working really hard together and we are looking forward to the final project. It’s been rough when one of us two is absent but we have learned to control those types of problems. My animation has humor and seriousness involved. I am now going to tell you about the most fun parts, the hardest parts, and the most important things I learned.

The part that has been most fun about this project was probably making clay people, and their accessories. We had to make two adults and 3 children but that’s not all. We also had to make a boat, which we ended up not even using, a baby cradle, a window, and a couch. That is still amazingly not all. We ended up having to make tree stands and accessories for our clay people. For example hats and bows. That was the most fun part about the whole project in my opinion. Also another thing I adored about this project was the part that it was a hands on activity.

The most difficult part of this project was the pictures. You had to make sure you didn’t move even the tiniest bit. If you do move even a half of a centimeter it messes up the whole clip. Another difficult part of this project was dealing with the computers. For example when you’re on a time limit and your computer is really slow its makes it very difficult and stressful. It is also very hard to use “your” computer when another group is also using it because then you have to wait until the other group is done and that takes forever. Those were the most difficult parts for me and Jessica.

Some of the most exciting thing that I learned would have to be learning that Henry Hudson was a very strong headed captain. He was also very sure of himself. He made a bet with his crew that within 30 days of beginning his voyage they would find land, and if he didn’t then he would abandon his ship. He ended up having to abandon his ship on his first voyage called the Northern Passage. I also learned that Henry Hudson was involved with robberies and stealing at a very young age. His childhood was unknown and his education was great. Those were some of the most interesting things I learned throughout this project.

I enjoyed the aspects of the claymation process and the steps it took to actually create a claymation. It has never really occurred to me about how hard it would be to make a simple claymation. Know when I look at a cartoon I think off all the steps they must have gone through. Not only that but that claymation project, and making the models, gave me a more in depth perception on my explorer. Most of my classes I would have just done an essay having to do something with a text book but this project was different. We got to have a hands on project and actually were able to do something rather than reading. I really enjoyed this project and the hard work Jessica and I put towards it.

Monday, October 22, 2007


"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP" My alarm clock went off at 6:37am. I yawned and got into the shower. I finish conditioning my hair and reach for m blue and silver razor. I shaved my legs and got out of the shower and grabbed me pre-picked out clothes. After about 10 minutesI was dressed and heading out the door. I grabbed my bridal, saddle, and brushes, and I threw them into the white trailer sitting by the barn. I quickly ran into the feild with Cisco's lime green halter in my right hand, and put the halter on him. I put him in the 1st stall of the 3 horse trailer. Next thing you know, I'm taking off up the paved driveway. I pull into the fairgrounds with my window down and I over hear Denise say on the mike "You may enter the warm up arena." I pull my white truck into the closest parking spot and turn off the roaring engine. I grab Cisco's halter, remove him from the trailer, tie him up, and saddle him as fast as I possibly could.

I trotted Cisco down into the warm up arena. I had time for about 1 lap then we had to leave so the judges could set up the arena. After about 10-12 minutes later the speaker turns on with a high pitched screetch "LETS O-MOK-SEE!" "Makenzie Peterson is on deck, Emma Martin is i nthe hole, and Molly Rawls be thinking about it." I look at all of them and wish them good luck. Makenzie comes back with a 18.975. A new record for her. Emma comes back with a 17.012 a new Island County record. Now Molly Rawls s on deck and I am in the hole. Texas barrels is my second favirote event besides flags which is next. YAY!! Molly comes back with a 17.101 which is really good! I'm next and my heart is pounding harder than a heavy hammer hitting a little silver tom-boy nail on a black top roof! I enter the arena with a smile on my tan face. I canter 3 semi-small circles to the left to test his natural diving-in turns. "You have a green light" Dan says into the black and silver microphone. I go to the gate with my heart pounding, blood rushing, and all the muscles in my body tighten. I grab the reins with my right hand and hang onto the horn with my left hand. I was hanging onto the horn so tight that my hand was turning pale. I reach my hand to the left of his neck, squeeze my legs as tight as volleyball spandex and pull him to the first berrel. The ground goes silent.

All I could hear was Cisco's large feet hitting the ground as loud as thunder in Montana on a stormy day. I start to take the turn. Leaning in toward the barrel, chasing him with my inside foot. I barley squeeze his wide rear end around the barrel. He nicked the barrel while taking off for the second barrel, not enough to knock it over but enough to make one end go about .3 centimeters off the grey sand in the warm, and semi-cold arena. I start to go at a little bit more steady speed to the second barrel. I can already feel him start to dive in. I push my left leg into him tell him that I know what he is going to do and he better not, when I get to the barrel I remember what Sonya told me "Give him a big pocket, he is a big boy!" I give him a big pocket and bent his body aroung the barrel... YES! I though to myself. His worst turn and I made it look prefect! On to the third barrel, know its his best turn so I let him go as fast as he wanted. He gained enough speed to make my cheeks fly back like when you go on a 139 mph roller coaster down hill. Not litteraly but thats what it felt like. When I got to the third barrel Cisco was fully pumped up with energy. He started to lean in. I let him do it to because I trust him. I was about 2/3 the way around the barrel when his front foot kicked the blue barrel. I ignored the mistake and moved on with my beautiful run. I ran home with my medium brown reins all the way up on top of his pinned back light-brown ears. We got to the gate and Cisco started to turn left, which is good because that is what he was supposed to do. As he was attempting to stop I looked back only to find the blue barrel rocking from side to side. The feeling in my stomache was like the feeling when you have a free throw in basketball and when you shoot the ball it rolls around the rim and you dont know if the ball in going through the net or out back onto the cold floor. It was like that, but only worse. Cisco finally stoped as the crowd and I watched in amazment, everyone was standing up with their hands in front of their eyes blocking the sun. WHOA!!! YA!!!! The crowd cheered when the blue barrel took my side and stayed standing. "Cortney's back with a 17.009! A NEW O-MOK-SEE RECORD!" I was walking out of the gate with my head held high and everyone cheering and claping for me. I walked him up to the trailer, tied him up, and gave him some hay and water. I went back down by the arena and got a hot dog and a pepsi from the Weenie Wagon. There food is the best. Flags is next and I can't wait.

After about 30-45 minutes the seniors and super-seniors were almost finished. When they had about 2 runs left I had to go back up to the trailer and saddle Cisco back up for flags. By the time I was walking Cisco down to the arena they were almost finished setting flags up. I got onto his back and warmed him up again. I trotted and kantered some circles to get him thinking about what he was going to do next. Flags involves two barrels, one at each end of the arena, and one flag in each barrel. You run to the first barrel from the starting line, grab the green flag, while running, and put it in the distant barrel. Then as you turn around the distant barrel you have to drop the green flag in the barrel, then grab the red flag. After that you have to stick the red flag into the first barrel and run home hopeing you have a good time. The mike turns on "Molly's on deck, Makenzie is in the hole, and Cortney be thinking about it. "Great." I thought. "I have to go third." I get Cisco focused and ready to run.

Continued \/

Molly and Makenzie both get back with great times. Any second they should be calling my name. "Cortney and Emma you may enter the arena." "Yes! Emma we get to go together!" I said to Emma we both just smiled. She walked in to lane one and i followed behind her and entered lane 2. I can smell the hott dogs on the grill and I can hear, from the crowd, people yelling, cheering, and screaming for Emma and me. "You have a green light," Dan said into the michrophone. We both are facing te gate and ready to turn around. "Ready," I said "GO!" Emma shouted happily. We both turned around and were running as fast as we could go, when I say me I mean the horses. Im just about to come up to he first flag. I grab the flag at a dead sprint. By now im almost to the second barrel. I look to my left to see how Emma is doing and she is right behind me. I am at the barrel. I droped the red flag in the blue/silver barrel, curve Cisco's body around the barrel and grab teh green flag. Now Im galloping back to the first barrel. Imhalf way there and Emma just grabbed the red flag. What happened between when I grabbed and green flag and now? I have no idea. Emma grabs the green flag and is on her way home. Im bout one milisecond away from te first barrel. "Yes" I thought to myself. I stuck the flag right into the barrel better than anyone I have seen before. I came back with a 12.579 and right behind me came Emma with a 13.999. I walk Cisco out of the arena and waited for Emma to come and walk Foxy up to the trailer along with Cisco and I. I feed and water Cisco. "OMG EMMA. I hear syrins soming and I see an ambulance driving onto teh arena!" "EMMA, do you kno who was suposed to go after us?!?"